To our patients,
The office of Dr. Annette Moranda is open for essential dental care. Your safety and the safety of our team is our top priority, and you will notice that we have some new precautions in place to protect our patients and team when you visit our office.
These precautions include:
- Limiting the number of appointments each day to maintain social distancing.
- Asking our patients and team members screening questions each day to determine if they are at risk. Please download, fill out and bring the questionnaire below to your appointment.
- Taking the temperature of each team member at the beginning of the day.
- Taking the temperature of our patients when they arrive. Anybody with an elevated temperature will be asked to reschedule.
- Asking you to remain in your car and call us when you arrive. We will let you know when we are ready for you and will escort you directly to your room. If the patient is a minor, only one parent or caregiver may accompany them.
- Asking patients to limit personal items they bring into the office.
- Removing magazines and drinks from our waiting room.
- Making hand sanitizer available throughout the office and encouraging you to use it when you arrive.
- Our team will be wearing extra PPE (personal protective equipment).
- Please wear a mask or face covering until the doctor is ready to see you. No one will be permitted to enter the office without a mask or face covering.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Dr. Annette Moranda and team